The Script - The Man Who Can\'t Be Moved

One of the best irish bands of all times :D

Addicted to Blogging? cum spuneam mai devreme, cu toate ca e in jur de ora 4 dimineata (doar e vacanta), tot hoinarind alias bajbaind pe internet am mai dat de ceva interesant:D
Nu ca as avea prea mare experienta sau vechime in "arta blogging-ului" dar m-a atras un alt test.
Rezultatele mele sunt urmatoarele:
57%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating

Pentru a-ti incerca si tu norocul, apasa aici

Afla-ti varsta creierului

Tot hoinarind pe net, am dat peste ceva care mi-a chemat atentia. Mai nou cica ne putem calcula si varsta creierului. Ciudat, dar, pe cat se pare, ar fi adevarat.
E vorba de un test japonez (cum sa nu, trebuia sa fie de prin partile lor).
Dupa atentionarea 3, 2, 1 vor aparea pe ecran cateva cerculete cu numere care imedia vor disparea. Tu trebuie doar sa ti le amintesti in ordine crescatoare.
Pentru a incerca si tu, apasa aici

Apropo, mie mi-a iesit 27 de ani...

Amy Macdonald

Deci cat am cautat melodia asta <333 :

Nici asta nu-i rea 8-> :

But i´ll still remember which way to go

Si la fel de buna si asta:

But I will run until my feet no longer run no more
And I will kiss until my lips no longer feel no more
And I will laugh until my heart it aches
And I will love until my heart it breaks
And I will love until there’s nothing more to live for

Tzzz.. B-)

This or That

The Best Friend

You are that person who would be the perfect best friend... You would give up everything for your friends even if it means compromising something for yourself... You are that person who someone knows that they can tell anything to and you won't get mad or tell anyone else!

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz

Quizzes and Personality Tests

deh.. :>

Ross Copperman

Asta da muzica :)

Nobody out there
Wants to understand
Nobody out there
Takes me as I am
I'm feeling alone, here
I know there's gotta be, somebody somewhere
thats all she wrote

Pentru mai multe detalii apasa aici

Gabriella Cilmi - Sweet About Me

P.S. Stiati ca tipa are doar 16 ani?...

Personality test

Inca o dovada ca nu toti suntem egali :D

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men

You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Gavin DeGraw - I don't want to be

Stiti melodiile alea pe care atunci cand le descoperi, pui castile si dai pe repeat timp de doua ore? Ei bine, asta e una dintre ele :)

How to annoy your parents :>

1. Follow then everywhere around the house...
2. Moo when they say ur name.
3. Run into walls...
4. Say that wearing clothes is against ur religion...
5. Stand over them at 4 in sa morning and say good morning say good morning sunshine...
6. Run around ur house with a lamp shade on top of ur head yelling, the sun it's dying!...
7. Pluck sum1s hair out and yeel DNA...
8. Wear a sticker that says I'm a retard...
9. Have an imaginary friend that u talk 2 all the time...
10. Yell in public "No mum/dad I will not make out with you"...
11. Try to fly, jump of the roof...
12. Hold their hand and say, I c dead people...
13. At everything they say yell, Liar...
14. Try to swim on the floor...
15. Tap on there door at night...
16. Pretand to have amnesia...
17. Say everything bakwards...
18. Sing at da top of ya voice while running around the house in ur underwear...
19. Sing into a hiar brush badly...
20. Snort loudly when you laugh then laff harder...
21. Run around in circles...
22. Recite a whole moie 3 tyms...
23. Pretend to beat ur self up...
24. Slither everywear...
25. Wear ur pants on ur head and ur shirt on ur waste and tell them u r making a fashion statment...
26. Jump outside ur house with only ur pjs on...
27. Try and drink out of a glass the wrong way...
28. Super glue ur finger up to ur nose...
29. Talk to a pen...
30. Try to climb a wall that you no u will never be able to climb...
31. Spead out on the window and buzz, pretend 2 be a fly...
32. Take ur icecream cone - eat the ice cream first - and put it on ur forehead, say ur a unicorn...
33. Put pegs on ur nose...
34. Switch the light blub on and off 4 a minute the say, oh I get it...
35. Eat ur hair...
36. Whateva they are eating, tell them it looks like a certain animal...
37. Say ur pet is mocking u ova and ova...
38. Try to snorkel, in ur fish tank...
39. When ur on a reily long car trip say that you need the loo...
40. Howl at the moon...


How to be annoying in an elevator

* When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap then on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.

* Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.

* Hold the doors open and say you`r waiting for a friend, after a while let the doors clothes and say, "Hi Greg. How`s your day been?"

* Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.

* Lay down a twister mat and ask people if the would like to play.

* Pretend you are a flight attendant and show the passengers were the emergency exits are.

* Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.

* Swat flies that don't exists.

* Call out, "Group Hug," and then enforce it.

* Crack open your brief cade or purse, then while peering inside ask, "Got enough money in there?"

* Stare at a person in the elevator, then after a while shout in horror, "your one of them," and back away slowly.
* Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.

* Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"

* Move a desk into the elevator and whenever anyone got on ask if they have an appointment.

* Ask, "Did you feel that?"

* When the doors clothes announce to others, "It's okay, don't panic, they open again.

* Tell people that you can see their aura.

* Smack your head and shout, "Shut up, all of you, just shut up!"

* Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.

* Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.

* Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
Nu stiu cati dintre voi aveti tendinta de a citi o carte buna in zilele calduroase si plistisitoare de vara.. ei bine, eu o am.
Sa va povestesc:
Dupa cum spuneam, fenomenul s-a intamplat. Conditii si imprejurari perfecte. Tot ce mai lipsea era cartea. M-am imbracat frumos si m-am indreptat spre Biblioteca. Am intrat si mirosul dulceag al cartilor m-a invaluit, dandu-mi senzatia de melancolie si in acelasi timp de bucurie...
Dupa cateva minute bune de cautari masive am dat peste ea, da! de data asta ea era aleasa! :D Am intorso frumos pe toate partile, am studiato si decizia a fost luata.
O data ajunsa acasa, m-am tolanit in pat, mi-am aranjat ochelarii si am uitat de tot ce era in jurul meu.
Era in sfarsit una din cartile alea care nu poti sa o lasi din pura curiozitate pentru ce urmeaza sa se intample, cine moare, cine traieste, pe cine mai introduce in povestire etc.
Nu pot sa nu mentionez pasajul care m-a afectat cel mai mult... so here it goes:

"Easy roads aren´t always the best ones. We think they are, but look at the people you respect in life, they are usually the people who have made it when the going wasn`t easy, people who survived and grew from all the pain. The ones who have it easy don`t have a hell of a lot going for them. It`s the others, the ones who climb the mountains with thei heads banged up, their faces scrached and their shins bleeding who are worth knowing."

Isn`t it just the perfect explanation?

p.s. Once in a Lifetime by Danielle Steel